Mission Leadership

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Course Description

Discover the essential tenets of leadership. Understand the core philosophies and skills necessary to execute great leadership. Compound your own strengths and learn to recognize your weaknesses. Develop success habits and learn how to best help others grow.

Key concepts covered include:

  • Effective & Inspiring Communication
  • Focus and Self Control
  • Perspective & Positivity
  • Humility
  • Likability & the Ability to Connect
  • Critical & Creative Thinking
  • Decision Making & Problem-Solving
  • Courage & Bias for Action
  • Continuing Education & Willingness

Let’s get going!

If you’ve arrived here before taking the Leadership Superpower quiz, you can take that quiz HERE. In the #MissionLeadership course, we’ve broken these superpowers down into comprehensive lessons. Many of the lessons have support materials.

Watch the video below to better understand how the course functions.